3 Great Ways to Use Up Your Benefits Before the End of the Year

BAM! It’s the middle of November, and you’re caught up in the holiday rush. Many of our patients like to pre-book their visits until the end of the year. This helps them use up their benefits before year’s end.

Don’t leave money on the table! On January 1, your health benefits provider will roll over your health treatment coverage limits. On the one hand, it’s great; you’ve got renewed coverage. But usually that means your deductible portion renews, too. Why suffer until January with nagging pain, so you can hurt longer and pay more?

Book your visits in November & December, and take advantage of the FREE portion of your benefits. Here are 3 great ways to do it:

Try a similar service

Maybe chiropractic is your go-to, but you’ve reached your max coverage for 2022. Why not try physiotherapy? The two disciplines are not as different as you think. Chiropractors view most problems as joint & nerve-based. Physiotherapists approach the body from a muscle aspect. Besides that, both can perform manipulations, stretching, massage, and other hands-on treatment. Try a similar service to solve your pain! Some comparisons:

  • Maxed for Massage?
    —> Physiotherapists can perform gentle stretching and massage, too!

  • Maxed for Physiotherapy?
    —> Chiropractic can treat your pain from a different angle, and perhaps problem-solve some chronic issues.

  • Maxed for Chiropractic?
    —> Acupuncture stimulates a natural healing response and can relieve pain, reduce inflammation, and treat many issues like headaches, sciatica, and back pain.


The holiday season can produce extra financial and social stress. There’s the in-laws, presents, making everyone happy… Do yourself a favour, and be proactive in resolving some of your inner turmoil… before the parties (and the drama) starts! Book a counselling session and meet your challenges with insight and confidence.


Are you on your feet a lot? If you support your feet, you strengthen your whole body. Custom orthotics improve your ergonometry, reduce pain, and optimize your strength and performance. Book your orthotics assessment today and see if orthotics is right for you!

Credits: macrovector, svstudioart, pch.vector


What are the Benefits of Acupuncture?


Chiropractic vs. Physiotherapy: What’s the Difference?