How can I extend the benefits of my massage?


You sit up on the treatment table, loose and relaxed. The pressure was just right… the quiet background music soothing enough to quiet your thoughts, but still enough personality to keep you awake. Congratulations, you just had a wonderful massage at Surrey Chiropractic, Physiotherapy, & Massage Clinic!

You might be wondering, “Now what? I run through the rain to my car (because: Vancouver), drive through stressful traffic (because: Vancouver), and come home to a sink full of dishes (because: life), dinner to cook, bills and chores? I guess relaxing time is over!”

Hang on—there are some things we can recommend to help extend the massage experience, and help your body stay relaxed and rejuvenated.

Be aware.

We get so caught up in what we’re doing, sometimes we’re completely oblivious to how uncomfortable our posture is contorting our bodies! What is your neck doing? Is it aligned with your spine, or is it bent towards your screen? Relax your shoulders. Were they rolled forward? Tensed up by your ears?

A great time to check in with your posture is at a stop light. Relax your head against your seat’s head rest, and do a quick head-to-toe check in with your body.


Are you sitting at an angle? Are your legs crossed? Are you using one side over the other? Common over-use is when we scroll with the same thumb over and over; if we always use the same arm when we vacuum. Perhaps you sit in the same position on the couch or at the desk for long periods of time. Try to balance use of your body’s right and left sides as much as possible, and also balance out the types of positions you pause in. Your body will thank you.


If you’re not a bath person, or you don’t have a bathtub at home, you can do any hot replacement: shower, heat pack, sauna or hot tub or steam room at the local rec centre. Afterward, do some light stretches to loosen up your relaxed muscles.


It’s cliché, but it’s cliché for a reason: we all forget to do it. Try it right now: deep breath in… and gently exhale. Aaaaah. Better, right?


Tess: “I was rear-ended. Twice.”


Do I have to disrobe for a massage?