Resources Blog

FAQs & more.

Welcome! We hope you find these short articles helpful. If you have questions about anything you read here, please reach out!

Massage Ashley Reiter Massage Ashley Reiter

How can I extend the benefits of my massage?

Post massage: you might be wondering, “Now what? I run through the rain to my car (because: Vancouver), drive through stressful traffic (because: Vancouver), and come home to a sink full of dishes (because: life), dinner to cook, bills and chores? I guess relaxing time is over!”

Hang on—there are some things we can recommend to help extend the massage experience, and help your body stay relaxed and rejuvenated.

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Massage Ashley Reiter Massage Ashley Reiter

Do I have to disrobe for a massage?

At the beginning of your appointment, our registered massage therapists will suggest that you change out of—or arrange—your clothing as much as you are comfortable. They will exit the treatment room to give you ample time to do so. Would you prefer that we massage through your clothing? Absolutely, we can do that.

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TMJ jaw pain, Massage Ashley Reiter TMJ jaw pain, Massage Ashley Reiter

TMJ Jaw Pain and How Massage Can Help

Stress, trauma, clenching your teeth, or a sudden impact can bring on TMJ jaw pain. It’s uncomfortable, and can also cause headaches, earaches, toothaches, and general throw-off-your-whole-mood pain. But if you’re thinking your only options are to “grin and bear it” or pop a painkiller, let us brighten your day: massage can help!

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Service so good,
you’ll dance outta here.