Physiotherapy vs. Active Rehab—what’s the difference?

If you’ve been to physiotherapy before, you’ll know that it’s hands-on. The physiotherapist will move your body into stretches, manipulate your joints, diagnose the source of tightness, pain, weakness, etc. Depending on your circumstances, you may receive passive treatment and/or complete certain exercises alongside your physiotherapist!

In active rehabilitation, there is no hands-on. It’s more like: recovery workout + personal trainer. A registered kinesiologist will meet with you, typically in a gym or your residence, to help you complete a customized exercise program. Active rehab is the “final lap” of your recovery, and you’ll have a certified trainer with a full understanding of muscles and movement to coach you towards the finish line.

If you are one of our ICBC patients recovering from a motor vehicle accident, you will gradually require less hands-on treatment and will graduate towards an exercise-based program. Strengthening those newly-healed muscles is vital to regaining your range of motion and a fuller quality of life!

Have questions about physiotherapy or active rehab?


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